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- From: gribble@primenet.com (Mr. Fun)
- Newsgroups: sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo
- Subject: Re: Roswell is sneaky even to experienced debunkers!
- Date: 9 Jun 1996 17:23:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <31bb5d08.9131885@news.primenet.com>
- References: <4kk2gf$6m5@alterdial.UU.NET> <31ABCACA.268B@wco.com> <4omlj1$mtq@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <31AFBCDE.3889@wco.com> <4p1muc$g7m@macondo.dmu.ac.uk> <31B621FD.6A55@wco.com> <31b6521b.5669852@news.primenet.com> <4pfiuv$pmf@agate.berkeley.edu> <31bb5115.6073112@news.primenet.com> <31BB7FD7.23C1@students.wisc.edu>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-167.phx.primenet.com
- Xref: news.demon.co.uk sci.skeptic:69417 alt.alien.visitors:86236 alt.paranet.ufo:52311
- Brian Zeiler <bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu> wrote:
- >Mr. Fun wrote:
- >
- >> So basically your position amounts to the suggestion that we should ignore all
- >> the previous statements and interviews about who was where and did what, that
- >> we should ignore the SIGNED statements, and instead should determine things on
- >> the basis of the most recent RE-interpetation of events by self-styled experts
- >> such as yourself.
- >
- >What a blind, pathetic, brain-dead interpretation of his post. Nothing
- >but a totally vague, worthless emotional appeal. I guess when facts are
- >too much to deal with, Jim, you resort to vague and insubstantive whining
- >rants like this. You couldn't even counter any of his points with
- >any specificity. Sad.
- >
- >--
- >Brian Zeiler
- It's sad that you SaucerHeads can't ever get your stories straight. I'm not
- going to continue to engage in the same pointless discussion of the "evidence"
- from Roswell when the "evidence" seems to change with each new posting from
- you SaucerHeads. Marcel says Cavitt was there. You clowns claim Marcel is
- sterling and above reproach. But you then claim Cavitt wasn't there. So now
- you are calling Marcel a liar. It's also been noted that you SZs completely
- failed to substantiation ANY of your claims concerning the request for child
- sized coffins made some weeks back. You SZs brought it up and then when you
- wee asked for anything that would document the claim that thread died just
- like they always do when you clowns have to put up or shut up. You always
- shut up and move on to your need unsubstantiated absurdity.